1 Items by auctions and galleries:
reinier craeyvanger (1812 - 1880)
Lot 2637 REINIER CRAEYVANGER 1812 Utrecht - 1880 Amsterdam Festtags
Reinier Craeyvanger (1812 - 1880)
130-3: Gemälde, Möbel & Einrichtung 

Reinier Craeyvanger
29.02.1812 - 10.01.1880
The Netherlands
Reinier Craeyvanger was a 19th-century Dutch painter and etcher who was also a gifted musician. He etched his own sketches and collaborated with publishers on prints. He is also known for genre works and copies of old masters. He was a member of Arti et Amicitiae and served as chairman for five years. In 1848 he was one of the founders of the "Haagse Etsclub", a club for etchers in The Hague, where he lived a few years until 1850.

Hargesheimer Kunstauktionen Düsseldorf
130-3: Gemälde, Möbel & Einrichtung
Date: 08.09.2023 10:00 UTC +01:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 812